< 2017 >
  • 04

    All day

    RESEARCH: What is Poetry? Discussion of poetic philosophy. Where does the word poetry come from? What does poetry mean to you?

    DISCUSSION: Bring the most favorite poems you’ve written. We’ll read some of them outloud to understand what each one of us values the most. What makes a poem stand out? What makes a poem reach “the next level”? What do you like most about the poetry you do?

  • 07

    All day

    We’ll talk about the organization as a whole. Our values, ethics, code of conduct, and other agreements necessary for the long term benefit of The Being Poetry Troupe. We will:
    – introduce briefly each other
    – set a comfort agreement based on the Welcome Package
    – Review the Welcome Package
    – presentation of the The Being Poetry Troupe
    – dialogue about ways we can share our knowledge and expertise
    – dialogue about what are tendencies artistically (+ acoustic, visual, textual, tactile, etc. )
    – a review of business and legal forms for artists
    – setting and reviewing of our poetic goals

    If there’s time, we will read a poem we most love and a poem we’ve written. Bring both just in case.

  • 11

    All day

    Research: Poetry as an embodied experience. We will research the concept of the Embodied Cognition as a way to embrace the possiblity of dance and performance as poetry. Those members interested in theatre, performance poetry such as spoken word, and improvisionational dance will be interested in this event. Bring your own knowledge. We will share it. Bring ideas for exercises too, let’s try them too.

    1 – Creative Expression

    2- Dialogue: Why could we call improvisational dance or poet’s theatre, a form of poetry?

    3 – We’ll play with rhythm, sound, beat, and body movement: The Body Rhyme.



    4 – Dialogue: Did playing with sound and movement resonate as reciting a rhyming poem?

    5 – Creative Expression

    These are not required readings, but an idea of the general concepts will help us to have an interesting dialogue.

    What is Embodied Cognition?


    What is Poet’s Theatre?

    What is Improvisational Dance?

    Canadian Connection: What is Dalcroze Eurhythmics? http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/dalcroze-eurhythmics-emc/

  • 18

    All day

    This event is for members and non-members. If you want to know the details of the place and time, RSVP us in the form below, and we’ll reply as soon as we can. 

    1- Creative Expression: Bring your creative tools, such as a pen/pencil and notebook/paper.

    2- Dialogue: What is the Creative? Where does creativity come from? What is your creative process? Bring your own perspective in this broad subject.

    The facilitator will begin the discussion from the perspective of Dr. James H. Austin, who wrote Chase, Chance, and Creativity and Zen and the Brain, to answer these questions: https://books.google.ca/books?id=ZDa7wpJNKggC


    Some initial ideas: Art as a metaphor to what the brain experiences. As poets and artists, we try to express the inexpressible. We do that through the perception of the most evident, but invisible due to our distractednesss of ‘what is’. Therefore, how can we perceive more of ‘what is’ and create with it new meaning and understandings of the world? Is creativity a product of brain capacity? Can creativity be trained and enhanced?

    3. Creative Expression: about the creative state of ‘flow’: https://magmapoetry.com/archive/magma-34/articles/poetry-in-practice-creative-flow/

    4. The Canada Connection: Informed by Blackfoot’s Ways of Knowing, everything is flux and change as process, let’s ask ourselves: Does creativity come from nothing or is it built upon a fluid and flexible mesh of flowing meaning? Is there a boundary between what I create and what I am?


    David Peat lived in Canada for approximately 10 years. Leroy Little Bear, a Blackfoot Elder who has written books about Canadian indigenous self-determination,  prefaced David Bohm’s book: On Creativity. David Bohm and David Peat dialogued and contributed to each others’ work in: Science, Order, and Creativity.


    5. Creative Expression

  • 21

    All day

    1 – Creative Expression
    2 – Review of the Dialogue Guidelines based on David Bohm’s On Dialogue
    3 – Suggestion to improve the Dialogue Guidelines

    – Let’s Dialogue! Dialogue about Dialogue: What is dialogue? Why is dialogue important? What is the difference between a discussion and a dialogue? What makes a successful dialogue?

    The Being Poetry Dialogue Guidelines (send by email to members)

    4 – What are my long, medium, and short term goals as an transdisciplinary artist/poet? How could these those goals fit with the Troupe?

    5 – Creative Expression

    If interested in the whole conference video and the depth of their perspective, please click here.